Interface Intersection Types by Delegation in Kotlin: A Clear Guide

January 1, 2025 2 min read Intermediate

Kotlin's delegation pattern provides an elegant way to combine multiple interfaces into a single type, known as interface intersection. This feature offers a powerful alternative to traditional inheritance, making your code more flexible and maintainable. Let's explore how it works and why it's useful.

Understanding Interface Intersection

In object-oriented programming, we often want a class to implement multiple interfaces. While Java uses multiple interface implementation directly, Kotlin offers a more elegant solution through delegation.

Here's a simple example that demonstrates the concept:

interface Printer {
    fun print(message: String)

interface Scanner {
    fun scan(): String

// Implementation classes
class BasicPrinter : Printer {
    override fun print(message: String) {
        println("Printing: $message")

class BasicScanner : Scanner {
    override fun scan(): String {
        return "Scanned document"

// Combining interfaces using delegation
class MultiFunctionDevice(
    printer: Printer,
    scanner: Scanner
) : Printer by printer, Scanner by scanner

// Usage
fun main() {
    val printer = BasicPrinter()
    val scanner = BasicScanner()
    val device = MultiFunctionDevice(printer, scanner)
    // Use both printer and scanner functionality
    device.print("Hello, World!")  // Output: Printing: Hello, World!
    println(device.scan())         // Output: Scanned document

Why Use Interface Intersection by Delegation?

  1. Composition Over Inheritance: Instead of creating complex inheritance hierarchies, you can compose functionality from multiple sources.
  2. Flexible Implementation: You can easily swap out implementations of individual interfaces without affecting the rest of your code.
  3. Better Testing: Each interface implementation can be tested independently, making your code more maintainable.
  4. Avoiding the Diamond Problem: Unlike multiple inheritance in languages like C++, delegation eliminates ambiguity when interfaces have conflicting method names.

A Real-World Example

Let's look at a more practical example using a logging system:

interface TimeStamper {
    fun getTimestamp(): String

interface MessageFormatter {
    fun format(message: String): String

class DefaultTimeStamper : TimeStamper {
    override fun getTimestamp(): String {
        return SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(Date())

class BracketFormatter : MessageFormatter {
    override fun format(message: String): String {
        return "[$message]"

// Combining both interfaces in a Logger
class Logger(
    timeStamper: TimeStamper,
    formatter: MessageFormatter
) : TimeStamper by timeStamper, MessageFormatter by formatter {
    fun log(message: String) {
        val timestamp = getTimestamp()
        val formattedMessage = format(message)
        println("$timestamp $formattedMessage")

// Usage
fun main() {
    val logger = Logger(DefaultTimeStamper(), BracketFormatter())
    logger.log("Application started")
    // Output: 2024-12-31 10:30:45 [Application started]

Benefits Over Traditional Inheritance

Compared to traditional inheritance or Java's interface implementation:

  1. More Flexible: You can change implementations at runtime by passing different objects.
  2. Better Encapsulation: Each piece of functionality is self-contained and can be developed independently.
  3. Cleaner Code: No need to implement interface methods in the combining class - delegation handles it automatically.

When to Use Interface Intersection

Use interface intersection by delegation when:

  • You need to combine functionality from multiple interfaces
  • You want to keep your code modular and testable
  • You need to swap implementations easily
  • You want to avoid the complexity of multiple inheritance


Kotlin's interface intersection by delegation provides a clean, flexible way to combine multiple interfaces into a single type. It promotes better code organization, makes testing easier, and helps avoid common pitfalls of multiple inheritance. While it might seem like a small feature, it's a powerful tool for building maintainable and flexible applications.

Remember: The key is to keep your interfaces focused and single-purpose, then combine them through delegation to create more complex functionality. This approach aligns well with the Single Responsibility Principle and makes your code more modular and easier to understand.

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